Música: Alan Menken
Lletra: Howard Ashman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Lletra: Howard Ashman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
El poblet,
un lloc ple de calma on cada any és com l'anterior. Un poblet ple de gent senzilla que es desperta i diu... Bonjour ! Bonjour ! Bonjour ! Bonjour ! Bonjour ! Surt el forner safata en mà, com sempre. Du pa i brioixos fets amb mel. El mateix, matí a matí des que vam fer cap a aquí, en aquest poblet rural. Bon dia, Belle! Aquesta noia és realment estranya. Està a la lluna, Déu del cel! I va sola a tot arreu. Tan distreta que ni et veu. És un element rebel, aquesta Belle! Bonjour ! Com va? I la família? Bonjour ! Salut! I la muller? Per mi, sis ous! És massa cara! La vida no pot ser només això! Mireu-la: tan bonica i tan rareta. D’enteniment, n’hi falta un pèl. I somia pels carrers. Amb el nas entre papers. Per al poble és un misteri aquesta Belle! Oh, quina gran història! I ara ve el millor perquè, veureu: és quan es troba el príncep, però no ho descobrirà fins al capítol deu! El nom de Belle li va com fet a mida: tan bella, no té paral·lel! P'rò darrere el seu posat, no té gaire bé el terrat. Diferent de tots nosaltres és. Aquesta jove és un excés. Ningú que coneguem és com la Belle! Així que vaig posar-li l’ull a sobre, vaig dir "Vatua!" ple de zel. La més bella de per 'quí naturalment és per mi. Ja he planificat les bodes amb la Belle! Mireu, és ell! Un noi de somni! Monsieur Gaston és tan forçut! El cor em fuig i no respiro. És un tros d’home fort, gros, guapo i brut! Bonjour ! Perdó! Com va? Mais oui ! D'això en dius béicon? Bonic raïm! Gruyère. Deu pams. Un tall. Sisplau! El ganivet. Obriu-me pas! El pa... El peix... ... és dur. ... no és fresc. Que s’equivoca! Bé, potser sí! La vida no pot ser només això! T'ho dic: ens casarem, la Belle i jo! Mireu la Belle, és una noia estranya. Una curiosa mademoiselle. Ens provoca un gran trasbals. Té el cap ple de pardals. Com que aquí no hi ha posat arrels, tothom la tracta amb molts recels. Però és radiant com un estel. La Belle! Bonjour ! Bonjour ! Bonjour ! Bonjour ! Bonjour ! Bonjour ! * |
Little town
It's a quiet village Every day like the one before Little town Full of little people Waking up to say– Bonjour Bonjour Bonjour Bonjour Bonjour There goes the baker with his tray Like always The same old bread and rolls to sell Every morning just the same Since the morning that we came To this poor provincial town Good morning, Belle Look, there she goes, the girl is strange, no question Dazed and distracted, can't you tell? Never part of any crowd Cause her head's up on some cloud No denying she's a funny girl, that Belle Bonjour Good day How is your family? Bonjour Good day How is your wife? I need six eggs That's too expensive There must be more than this provincial life Look, there she goes, that girl is so peculiar I wonder if she's feeling well With a dreamy, far-off look And her nose stuck in a book What a puzzle to the rest of us is Belle Oh, isn't this amazing? It's my favorite part because– You'll see Here's where she meets Prince Charming But she won't discover that it's him Till chapter three Now it's no wonder that her name means "beauty" Her looks have got no parallel But behind that fair facade I'm afraid she's rather odd Very different from the rest of us She's nothing like the rest of us Yes, different from the rest of us is Belle Right from the moment when I met her, saw her I said she's gorgeous and I fell Here in town it's only she Who's as beautiful as me So I'm making plans to woo and marry Belle Look there he goes Isn't he dreamy? Monsieur Gaston Oh, he's so cute Bestill my heart I'm hardly breathing He's such a tall, dark Strong and handsome brute Bonjour Pardon Good day Mais oui You call this bacon? What lovely grapes Some cheese Ten yards One pound 'Scuse me I'll get the knife Please let me through This bread Those fish It's stale They smell Madame's mistaken Well, maybe so There must be more than this provincial life Just watch, I'm going to make Belle my wife Look there she goes, a girl who's strange but special A most peculiar mademoiselle It's a pity and a sin She doesn't quite fit in Cause she really is a funny girl A beauty but a funny girl She really is a funny girl That Belle Bonjour Bonjour Bonjour Bonjour Bonjour Bonjour |
Belle (repetició)
Belle (Reprise)
Música: Alan Menken
Lletra: Howard Ashman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Lletra: Howard Ashman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Madame Gaston.
Qui s’ho imagina? Madame Gaston. Casada amb ell? No pas! Jo, mai! Ho garanteixo. No deixaré que em posi cap anell! Vull veure món, vull viure-hi aventures! Vull 'nar més lluny que cap ocell. I conèixer algú, per fi, amb qui ho pugui compartir. Vull molt més que viure sempre així... * |
Madame Gaston
Can't you just see it? Madame Gaston His little wife No, sir Not me I guarantee it I want much more than this provincial life I want adventure in the great wide somewhere I want it more than I can tell And for once it might be grand To have someone understand I want so much more than they've got planned |
Música: Alan Menken
Lletra: Howard Ashman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Lletra: Howard Ashman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Ostres, fa pena de veure’t, Gaston!
Fes un esforç i somriu. Pensa que aquí tots t’envegen, Gaston. No has de ser tan despectiu! La gent del poblet s’emmirallen en tu. T’adoren amb tota la fe. Tu ets qui els inspira millor que ningú. I no cal preguntar-se per què... Que traçut, en Gaston! I que astut, en Gaston! I ningú no te un coll més gruixut que en Gaston! Per això no n’hi ha cap que l’iguali. Ell és l’autèntic, el gran! Si ho preguntes a Tom, Dick o Stanley, de seguida en diran en l’equip de qui estan! No n’hi ha dos, com Gaston! És el líder, Gaston! I ningú té un clotet al mentó com Gaston! S’ha d’admetre que soc intimidatori! Oi, quin gran noi, en Gaston! Brindem per ell! Diguem-li uns mots! Gaston, t’admirem perquè et mulles per tots! Amb el puny, en Gaston, va molt lluny, en Gaston! I quan lluita, mossega i fa un gruny, en Gaston! Una massa de músculs massissa! Tinc prou bíceps per qualsevol duel! No és cap nyicris de pell malatissa. Oh, i tant! I quins pectorals, quina mata de pèl! Juga a escacs, en Gaston! Quins atacs, en Gaston! I escopint és el més crac dels cracs, en Gaston! Guanyo tots els concursos de punteria! Deu punts per Gaston! Quan era petit em prenia vint ous cada dia, per fer-me més gran. Però ara que ho soc, ja me’n prenc trenta-nou. Per això soc de talla gegant! Quan dispara en Gaston, mai no falla, en Gaston. Quan camines, el terra trontolla, Gaston! I decoro la casa amb trofeus de caça! Oi, quin gran noi! Gaston! * |
Gosh, it disturbs me to see you Gaston
Looking so down in the dumps Every guy here'd like to be you, Gaston Even when taking your lumps There's no man in town as admired as you You're everyone's favorite guy Everyone's awed and inspired by you And it's not very hard to see why No one's slick as Gaston No one's quick as Gaston No one's neck's as incredibly thick as Gaston's For there's no man in town half as manly Perfect, a pure paragon You can ask any Tom, Dick, or Stanley And they'll tell you whose team they prefer to be on No one's been like Gaston A king pin like Gaston No one's got a swell cleft in his chin like Gaston As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating My, what a guy, that Gaston Give five "hurrah's" Give twelve "hip-hip's" Gaston is the best And the rest is all drips No one fights like Gaston Douses lights like Gaston In a wrestling match, nobody bites like Gaston For there's no one as burly and brawny As you see, I've got biceps to spare Not a bit of him scraggly or scrawny That's right And every last inch of me's covered with hair No one hits like Gaston Matches wits like Gaston In a spitting match nobody spits like Gaston I'm especially good at expectorating Ten points for Gaston When I was a lad, I ate four dozen eggs Every morning to help me get large And now that I'm grown, I eat five dozen eggs So I'm roughly the size of a barge No one shoots like Gaston Makes those beauts like Gaston Then goes tromping around wearing boots like Gaston I use antlers in all of my decorating My, what a guy, Gaston |
Gaston (repetició)
Gaston (Reprise)
Música: Alan Menken
Lletra: Howard Ashman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Lletra: Howard Ashman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
LeFou, crec que tinc una idea.
Això és temerari. Ja ho sé! P'rò és que el pare de Belle fa catúfols i té el cap una mica pse-pse. Així doncs, he fet 'nar l’engranatge per poder utilitzar el vell xaruc. M’he promès que seria el marit de la Belle i ho seré, si funciona aquest truc! Quin complot, en Gaston! Fa el que pot, en Gaston... Per desfer-se del vell ceballot, en Gaston. I si tot surt com cal, anirem de boda! Oi, quin gran noi! Gaston! * |
LeFou, I'm afraid I've been thinking
A dangerous pastime I know But that whacky old coot is Belle's father And his sanity's only so-so Now the wheels in my head have been turning Since I looked at that loony, old man See, I've promised myself I'd be married to Belle And right now I'm evolving a plan No one plots like Gaston Takes cheap shots like Gaston Plans to persecute harmless crackpots like Gaston So his marriage we soon will be celebrating My, what a guy, Gaston |
Bon profit
Be Our Guest
Música: Alan Menken
Lletra: Howard Ashman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Lletra: Howard Ashman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Bon... pro... fit.
Bon profit. El sopar et serà servit. Ves lligant-te el tovalló, chérie, que aquí tens el convit. Soupe du jour, uns entrants... Cada plat té els seus encants! Tasta-ho tot, és de primera! No ho pots creure? Doncs espera't! T’oferim balls i cants. No cal dir-ho, c’est la France ! I els sopars són, més que un àpat, un delit. Pots demanar a la carta fins que quedis farta. Bon profit! Bon appetit ! Bon profit! L’estofat, el suflé i un bon púding enflambé ! Hem muntat amb voluntat un culinari cabaret ! Tu tens por, tot és nou. P'rò no hi pensis, menja i prou! No hi ha lloc per la protesta, participa de la festa! Fem uns jocs malabars, dominem totes les arts! Tot amb molt de gust, hi pots pujar de peus! Au, brinda i fes bondat, perquè t’ho has ben guanyat! Molt bon profit! Si has patit, t’aconsello un bon rostit! Bon profit! Bon profit! Bon profit! No saps com pateixen uns servents que no serveixen. No hem cuidat ni un convidat des de fa tant... Ah, quins temps aquells, quan érem útils! Bruscament aquells temps van passar. Deu anys d’apatia, agafant pols cada dia! Fent panxeta, sense moure l’esquelet! Deu anys rovellant-nos, morts de fàstic. Era una agonia, p'rò tu ets just el que ens calia! Bon profit! Bon profit! El cel sigui beneït! Ai, Senyor, quina il·lusió, tot ha d’estar net i polit! Voldrà te, que és molt bo. Ningú ho sap millor que jo! Que les tasses facin via, jo ja bullo d’alegria! Faig xup-xup d’ansietat! Valga’m Déu, si m’he tacat! Netegeu-me, perquè cal que aquesta nit estigui tot llustrós. ¿Serà un terròs o dos, per ma petite ? Bon profit! Bon profit! Bon profit! Bon profit! Bon profit! Tot desig serà obeït. Són deu anys de no fer res i ens desfoguem amb un gran crit! Què prendràs? Estàs bé? Et voldríem satisfer. Mentre brillin les espelmes, oblidem-nos dels problemes! Un per un, plat a plat. Ja diràs: "Me n’he atipat!". I llavors podràs anar a pair-ho al llit. P'rò abans d’anar a fer nones, menja menges bones. Bon profit! Bon profit! Bon profit! Molt bon profit! * |
Be our guest
Be our guest Put our service to the test Tie your napkin 'round your neck, chérie And we'll provide the rest Soup du jour Hot hors d'oeuvres Why, we only live to serve Try the grey stuff, it's delicious Don't believe me? Ask the dishes They can sing, they can dance After all, Miss, this is France And a dinner here is never second best Go on, unfold your menu Take a glance and then you'll Be our guest Oui, our guest Be our guest Beef ragout Cheese soufflé Pie and pudding en flambé We'll prepare and serve with flair A culinary cabaret You're alone And you're scared But the banquet's all prepared No one's gloomy or complaining While the flatware's entertaining We tell jokes I do tricks With my fellow candlesticks And it's all in perfect taste That you can bet Come on and lift your glass You've won your own free pass To be our guest If you're stressed It's fine dining we suggest Be our guest Be our guest Be our guest Life is so unnerving For a servant who's not serving He's not whole without a soul to wait upon Ah, those good old days when we were useful Suddenly those good old days are gone Ten years we've been rusting Needing so much more than dusting Needing exercise, a chance to use our skills Most days we just lay around the castle Flabby, fat and lazy You walked in and oops-a-daisy It's a guest It's a guest Sake's alive, well I'll be blessed Wine's been poured and thank the Lord I've had the napkins freshly pressed With dessert, she'll want tea And my dear that's fine with me While the cups do their soft-shoein' I'll be bubbling, I'll be brewing I'll get warm, piping hot Heaven's sakes! Is that a spot? Clean it up! We want the company impressed We've got a lot to do Is it one lump or two? For you, our guest She's our guest She's our guest Be our guest Be our guest Be our guest Our command is your request It's been years since we've had anybody here And we're obsessed With your meal, with your ease Yes, indeed, we aim to please While the candlelight's still glowing Let us help you, we'll keep going Course by course, one by one 'Til you shout, "Enough, I'm done" Then we'll sing you off to sleep as you digest Tonight you'll prop your feet up But for now, let's eat up Be our guest Be our guest Be our guest Please, be our guest |
Un no-sé-què
Something There
Música: Alan Menken
Lletra: Howard Ashman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Lletra: Howard Ashman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Té algun gest dolç, amable i tot.
Quan s’acostava cap a mi, jo feia un bot. P'rò avui ja no, el veig tan mans... Com és possible? Com no m’hi he fixat abans? Me n’he adonat, m’està observant. I si ens toquem, no aparta tot seguit les mans. P'rò no pot ser. I això no obstant, té una mirada que no havia vist abans. És lògic que m’alarmi. Com pot ser que no ho hagués previst? Sé que no és molt romàntic, p'rò té un no-sé-què que simplement no havia vist. Bé, què ha passat? Bé, valga’m Déu! Bé, com ha estat? Bé, no em sap greu! Qui hauria dit que sorgiria l'amistat? Ves qui ho diria! P'rò s’han atret com dos imants, hi ha alguna cosa que no havíem vist abans. Sabeu, hi ha un no-sé-què que mai no havíem vist abans. Hi ha alguna cosa que no havíem vist abans. * |
There's something sweet and almost kind
But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined And now he's dear and so unsure I wonder why I didn't see it there before She glanced this way, I thought I saw And when we touched, she didn't shudder at my paw No, it can't be, I'll just ignore But then she's never looked at me that way before New and a bit alarming Who'd have ever thought that this could be? True, that he's no Prince Charming But there's something in him that I simply didn't see Well, who'd have thought? Well, bless my soul! Well, who'd have known? Well, who indeed? And who'd have guessed they'd come together on their own? It's so peculiar We'll wait and see, a few days more There may be something there that wasn't there before You know perhaps there's something there that wasn't there before There may be something there that wasn't there before |
Humans novament
Human Again
Música: Alan Menken
Lletra: Howard Ashman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Lletra: Howard Ashman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Cuinaré novament.
Lligaré novament, mai no m’ha de faltar acompanyant. Seré humà novament. Sí, un humà novament. Net, polit, fent brillar el meu encant. Festejant novament. Un Don Joan novament. Que es preparin els pobres marits! Saltaré del bufet i seré un home dret. Ja somio ser humà novament! Ser uns humans novament. Sí, uns humans novament. No uns objectes ni uns mobles mai més! Ser uns humans novament. Bona gent novament. Vull 'nar a un ball i estirar-me després! Tindré els llavis de rouge i faré menys de gruix, fins i tot podré cabre aquí dins! Portaré abrics de pell, vull que em creixi el cabell. Pregaré per ser humans novament! Ser uns humans novament. Sí, uns humans novament. Tot prendrà un nou sentit, més intens. Vull un canvi, per fi! Tu amb què em surts? Ara sí? Què puc fer-hi, si estic t-t-tens? Descansar vora el mar a la barra d’un bar és la jubilació que he somiat! Lluny dels il·luminats i dels seus nyic-i-nyacs. Quin relax! Ser uns humans novament! Un mar de pols es remou. Ventila l’habitació. Vas sentint, vas notant el final de l’encant que ja arriba! Fes que el pom brilli com nou. La pols, al recollidor. Que si tot va com cal, imagino un final que ja arriba! Obre finestres, aireja l’ambient. Jo per 'quí i tu per 'llà, tots 'nem fent. Treu al balcó tants anys de tristor i llança’ls ben lluny! Ser uns humans novament. Sí, uns humans novament, quan la noia ens alliberarà! Gaudirem novament. Esperem el moment de la màgia que ens faci tornar! Jugarem novament i riurem novament. P'rò que passi ja, ràpid. Amén! Quan arribi l’amor, aviat, per favor, tornarem a ser humans finalment! Ballarem novament, voltarem novament. Girarem tots com un molinet! Com humans novament. Sí, uns humans novament. Com al Vals de les flors del ballet! Flotarem novament, volarem novament. Passos curts, passos llargs, tant se val! Tornaré a ser qui he estat, un humà de v'ritat! Ha arribat el moment d’aquest nou naixement, i serem tots humans novament! Amén! * |
I'll be cooking again
Be good-looking again With a mademoiselle on each arm When I'm human again Only human again Poised and polished and gleaming with charm I'll be courting again Chic and sporting again Which should cause several husbands alarm I'll hop down off the shelf And tout de suite be myself I can't wait to be human again When we're human again Only human again When we're knickknacks and whatnot's no more When we're human again Good and human again Ah, chérie, won't it all be top-drawer? I'll wear lipstick and rouge And I won't be so huge Why, I'll easily fit through that door I'll exude savior-faire I'll wear gowns, I'll have hair It's my prayer to be human again When I'm human again Only human again When the world once more starts making sense I'll unwind for a change Really? That'd be strange Can I help it if I'm t-t-tense? In a shack by the sea I'll sit back sipping tea Let my early retirement commence Far from fools made of wax I'll get down to brass tacks And relax When I'm human again So sweep the dust from the floor Let's let some light in the room I can feel, I can tell Someone might break the spell Any day now Shine up the brass on the door Alert the dustpail and broom If we all goes as planned Our time may be at hand Any day now Open the shutters and let in some air Put these here and put those over there Sweep up the years Of sadness and tears And throw them away When we're human again Only human again When the girl finally sets us all free Cheeks a-bloomin' again We're assumin' again We'll resume our long lost joie de vivre We'll be playin' again Holiday' again And we're prayin' it's ASAP We will push, little shove They could whoosh! fall in love And we'll finally be human again We'll be dancing again We'll be twirling again We'll be whirling around with such ease When we're human again Only human again We'll go waltzing those old one-two-three's We'll be floating again We'll be gliding again Stepping, striding, as fine as you please Like a real human does I'll be all that I was On that glorious morn' when we're finally reborn And we're all of us human again Again |
Kill the Beast
Música: Alan Menken
Lletra: Howard Ashman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Lletra: Howard Ashman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Sí, l’haurem de liquidar!
O ens atacarà de nit! Vol menjar-se'ns la canalla fins que calmi l’apetit! Sembrarà la mort al poble, no el podem deixar sortir! Doncs és l’hora de passar a l’acció, per fi. Tothom amb mi! Dins el bosc, a la nit, en la boira i les tenebres, avancem entre les ombres del terror! Pots resar perquè allà, quan haurem passat les portes, ens espera un monstre horrible a l’interior! Un dia- ble amb ullals com espases. I grans urpes i banyes al front! Quins rugits, és bestial! És l’essència del mal. Morirà! Tots amb mi! Morirà! Amb el foc 'nem al lloc! Amb coratge aneu seguint-me, nois! Darrere d’en Gaston, cap al combat! Dins al bosc, a la nit, hi una bèstia sanguinària que governa aquell castell endimoniat! Un dia- ble alt com una muntanya. No podem perdre temps, ni un segon! Preparats! Caps ben alts! Tots armats! Cop de falç! Que el Senyor no ens deixi en fals! Tenim por del que no comprenem, ens terroritza. I aquest monstre és un fenomen inhumà! Portem pals i destrals per salvar mullers i fills d’aquesta bèstia criminal que morirà! Cors amunt! Tots a punt! Preparats per la batalla. Som la guàrdia del castell, no ens arronsem! Tots units! Bona sort! Som valents, som homes forts que s'encomanen a la mort! El matarem! Morirà! Morirà! * |
We're not safe until he's dead
He'll come stalking us at night Set to sacrifice our children To his monstrous appetite He'll wreak havok on our village If we let him wander free So it's time to take some action boys It's time to follow me Through the mist, through the woods Through the darkness and the shadows It's a nightmare but it one exciting ride Say a prayer, then we're there At the drawbridge of a castle And there's something truly terrible inside It's a beast He's got fangs razor sharp ones Massive paws, killer claws for the feed Hear him roar, see him foam But we're not coming home, 'till he's dead Good and dead Kill the beast Light your torch, mount you horse Screw your courage to the sticking place We're counting on Gaston to lead the way Through a mist to the wood Where within a haunted castle Something's lurking that you don't see every day It's a beast One as tall as a mountain We won't rest 'till he's good and deceased Sally fourth, tally ho! Grab your sword, grab your bow Praise the Lord and here we go We don't like what we don't Understand and in fact it scares us And this monster is mysterious at least Bring your guns, bring your knives Save children and and your wives We'll save our village and our lives We'll kill the beast Hearts ablaze banners high We go marching into battle Unafraid although the danger just increased Raise the flag, sing this song Here we come we're fifty strong And fifty frenchmen can't be wrong Let's kill the beast Kill the beast Kill the beast |
La bella i la bèstia
Beauty and the Beast
Música: Alan Menken
Lletra: Howard Ashman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Lletra: Howard Ashman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
És un conte etern,
cert p'rò sorprenent. Neix d'un gran recel fins que es trenca el gel impensadament. És un canvi lleu, breu com un segon. Tots dos, espantats. No estan preparats. Bella i bèstia són. Sempre és el mateix. Sempre és un consol. Sempre és oportú. Sempre tan segur com que surt el sol! És un conte etern, vell com un refrany. Agredolç i estrany. Saps que pots canviar, crea un nou demà! Tan cert com que el sol il·lumina el món. És un conte etern, vell com és l'hivern. Bella i bèstia són. És un conte etern, vell com és l'hivern. Bella i bèstia són. * |
Tale as old as time
True as it can be Barely even friends Then somebody bends Unexpectedly Just a little change Small to say the least Both a little scared Neither one prepared Beauty and the Beast Ever just the same Ever a surprise Ever as before Ever just as sure As the sun will rise Tale as old as time Tune as old as song Bittersweet and strange Finding you can change Learning you were wrong Certain as the sun Rising in the East Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme Beauty and the Beast Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme Beauty and the Beast © Wonderland Music Company, Inc. (BMI) Tots els drets reservats |