Música: Carl Stalling
Lletra: Walt Disney
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Lletra: Walt Disney
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Soc un ratolí
i em dic Mickey Mouse. Tinc la nòvia al ranxo, on vivim en pau. No és gegant ni prima. Tot el món l'estima, la petita Minnie Mouse! Quan al ranxo esti- guin tots morts de fam i se sentin xiscles, rugits i brams... 'niré al galliner i el saquejaré. I em podreu sentir cantar! Com miola gat amb el meu, meu, meu! Borda el gos amb el bub-bub-bub! El corb, oc-oc! I el ruquet, hi-ho! Armen un guirigall que déu-n'hi-do! He sentit com el cucut cantava "cuc-cuc"! He escoltat com el gall dindi feia "glu-glu"! Els vedells, les gallines, fan remor de botzines, quan de cop se sent la Minnie: "Yoo hoo!". * |
I'm the guy they call
Little Mickey Mouse Got a sweetie down in the chicken house Neither fat nor skinny She's the horse's whinny She's my little Minnie Mouse When it's feedin' time For the animals And they howl and growl like the cannibals I just turn my heel To the henhouse steal And you'll hear me sing this song Oh, the old tomcat With the meow, meow, meow Ol' hound dog With the bow-wow-wow The crow's caw-caw And the mule's hee-haw Gosh what a racket like an ol' buzz saw I have listened to the cuckoo cuke his coo-coo And I've heard the rooster cock his doodle doo-oo With the cows and the chickens They all sound like the dickens When I hear my little Minnie's Yoo-Hoo © Wonderland Music Company, Inc. (BMI) Tots els drets reservats |