Música, mestre
Make Mine Music
Música: Ken Darby
Lletra: Eliot Daniel
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Lletra: Eliot Daniel
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Pas als músics!
Feu-me músi- ca que alegri el cor, sons de primave- ra en cada acord. ¿Qui no se sent romàntic de nit, contemplant els cels? El clar de lluna és el càntic amb què dansen els estels. Amb la músi- ca, jo et puc somiar. Qualsevol de- sig es complirà. Una cançó s'endú la tristor quan tot sembla ser més incert. Doncs toqui, mestre. La vida és un concert! Pas als músics! * |
Make mine music
Make mine music And my heart will sing Make mine music And it's always spring All the world goes romancing When melody fills the night And even the stars go dancing To the music of the moonlight Make mine music And I'll dream of you Make mine music And the dream comes true Music will play the shadows away When everything seems to go wrong So make mine music And life will be a song Make mine music |
Els Martins i els McCoys
The Martins and the Coys
Música i lletra: Al Cameron i Ted Weems
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Acosteu-vos, que us explicaré una història.
Era l'època salvatge de l'Oest. Dues cases enfrontades, discutint a escopetades. Jo els vaig veure, no n'hi havia ni un d'honest! Oh, els Martins i els McCoys, tots uns brètols, uns mals nois, barallats en tot moment i a tot arreu! Quan es feien la punyeta, ja agafaven l'escopeta. Encertaven un mosquit a 30 peus. La baralla va esclatar un bonic diumenge. Un McCoy sortia trompa del celler. Silenciós com una aranya, va i saqueja la cabanya on els Martins han posat el galliner. El saqueig va ser l'inici de la guerra, els turons es van omplir de gom a gom. Ni un sol pare, oncle, avi, va sortir-ne sa i estalvi! Tot el món la va dinyar cobert de plom. Oh, els Martins i els McCoys! Oh, tots tan brètols i tan mals nois! Ells, uns pistolers tan ràpids i eficients... Que eficients! Ara n'han fet un gra massa i, després d'aquesta caça, solament els queden dos supervivents. Sols dos supervivents... La dels Martins era tota una bellesa. Tan bonica com un sol, es deia Grace. I ell, forçut com un heroi, era el guapo Fred McCoy. Es buscaven l'una a l'altre amb uns fusells. Van trobar-se en un camí de la muntanya. I en McCoy va apuntar ràpid a la Grace. El gallet ja acaronava... Quan va veure aquella cara... I l'amor va disparar-los ara a ells. Oh, els Martins i els McCoys, tots uns brètols, uns mals nois, llancen llamps i trons i xiscles fantasmals. El que veuen no els agrada. La parella, ja casada, ha enterrat d'una vegada la destral. P'rò no us penseu que així s'acabi aquesta història. Grace i Fred han rescatat la tradició. Ja casats, tot són disputes. Fan servir la força bruta. Pels McCoys i els Martins, no hi ha res millor! * |
Gather 'round me children and I'll tell a story
Of the mountains and the days when guns was law When two fam'lies got to disputin' It was bound to end in shootin' So just listen and I'll tell you what I saw Oh, the Martins and the Coys They was reckless mountain boys And they took up family feudin' when they'd meet They could shoot each other quicker Than it took your eye to flicker They could knock a squirrel's eye out at ninety feet All their fightin' started one bright Sunday morning 'Cause old grandpa Coy was full of mountain dew Just as quiet as a church mouse He stole in the Martins' henhouse 'Cause the Coys they needed eggs for breakfast, too After that they started out to fight in earnest And they scarred the mountains up with shot and shell There was uncles, brothers, cousins Why, they bumped them off by dozens Just how many bit the dust is hard to tell Oh, the Martins and the Coys Oh, they were reckless and mountain boys At the art of killin' they became quite deft Mighty deft They all know'd they shouldn't do it But before they hardly knew it On each side they only had one person left Only one person left Now the sole remainin' Martin was a maiden And as pretty as a picture was this Grace While the one survivin' boy Was the handsome Henry Coy And the folks all knew they'd soon meet face to face So they fin'lly met upon a mountain pathway And Henry Coy he aimed his gun at Grace He was set to pull the trigger When he saw her purty figure You could see that love had kicked him in the face Oh, the Martins and the Coys They were reckless mountain boys But they say their ghostly cussin' gives you chills 'Cause the hatchet sure was buried When sweet Grace and Henry married It broke up the best durn feud in these here hills Now you may think that this is where the story ended But I'm tellin' you them ghosts don't cuss no more 'Cause since Grace and Henry wedded They fight worse than all the rest did And they carry on the feud just like before |
Aiguamolls blavosos
Blue Bayou
Música i lletra: Bobby Worth i Ray Gilbert
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Aiguamolls blavosos,
en un cel d'argent s'esvaeix la lluna resplendent. Aiguamolls somiosos, misteriosa nit. Els records bateguen dins el pit. Escolto ple d'enyor un cant d'amor sols murmurat. Em sento trist, de cop revisc fantasmes del passat. Aiguamolls blavosos sota un cel d'argent, on la garsa blanca vola al vent. Aiguamolls blavosos sota un cel d'argent, on la garsa blanca vola al vent. Cap a la lluna! * |
Roll along, blue bayou
Through the silvery foam In the deep where sleepy shadows roam While we roll blue bayou In your dreamy light Memories echo in my heart tonight I hear the echo of Our song of love Murmuring low And here am I Still haunted by The ghost of long ago Roll along, blue bayou Through the silvery foam Roll the blue and sleepy shadows home Roll along, blue bayou Through the silvery foam Roll the blue and sleepy shadows home Across the blue moon |
Quan t'allunyes de mi
Without You
Música: Osvaldo Farrés
Lletra: Ralph Maria Siegel
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Lletra: Ralph Maria Siegel
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Quan t'allunyes de mi,
em fonc de pena. M'he perdut pel camí, no sé on em mena. Un sentiment com un turment de nit i dia, quan t'allunyes de mi: la melangia. Quan es mor el matí, amb ell jo moro. Quan t'allunyes de mi, d'enyor et ploro. Ets un estel, un punt al cel inabastable. Ets la llum que he perdut, quan de mi t'allunyes! * |
I'm so lonely and blue
When I'm without you I don't know what I'd do Sweetheart, without you The joy and tears That love endears Would have no meaning If I didn't have you To keep me dreaming At the close of each day When I'm without you And my heart kneels to pray I pray about you You take a star And lead it far Away from heaven And the star will be lost As I'm lost without you |
Casey amb el bat
Casey at the Bat
Música i lletra: Ray Gilbert, Kenneth Lorin Darby i Eliot Daniel
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Tots com un llamp
amb carrosses pel camp, a veure el gran Casey! Corrent sota el sol cap al camp de beisbol, per veure el gran Casey! N'hi ha més d'un que pensa que el joc és arcaic. No saben el que és una falta o un strike. P'rò tots formen part de l'alegre mosaic. Casey, l'orgull de tothom! Som-hi, Casey! Som-hi, Casey! Som-hi, Casey! Oh! És el millor, és un gran triomfador! També entre les noies. Quin tros de noi, el nostre ídol, l'heroi! També per les noies. Casey és forçut com un toro. Casey és un paio elegant. I tant! Un noi ple d'embat. Quan fa girar el bat, els cors de les noies ja baten amb força. Oh! No hi ha color, és un gran batedor. No en falla ni una. No té rival. Fa una entrada triomfal i riu la tribuna. No hi ha un jugador més famós ni formós. El noi del braç d'or té la força d'un os. Ell era el Sinatra de 1902. Casey, l'orgull de tothom! Hi ha algun lloc a prop d'aquí on canten els ocells i on les bandes, tal com ells, fan música sens fi. On els homes riuen, i els infants fan crits! Casey, l'orgull de tothom! * |
Oh, what a lark
To ride out in the park And just to see Casey They traveled for miles And they stand in the aisles And just to see Casey The ladies don't understand baseball a bit They don't know a strike from a foul or a hit But when they see Casey that dame has got it Casey, the pride of them all We want Casey We want Casey We want Casey Oh, Casey's the guy With his eye on the ball But mostly the ladies Casey's the guy Who's the idol of all But mostly the ladies Casey is mighty and manly Casey's a dangerous gent Egad When he goes to bat, Hang on to your hat He's batting a thousand percent with the ladies Oh, Casey has nerve And he knows every curve He's no hokey-pokey He gets away With that old double play He's sure okey-dokey He makes all the ladies go gaga, It's true No wonder they swoon when he comes into view He was the Sinatra of 1902 Casey, the pride of them all Somewhere in this favored land The sun is shining bright Somewhere bands are playing sweet And somewhere hearts are light Somewhere men are laughing Somewhere children shout Casey, the pride of them all |
Dos ballarins
Two Silhouettes
Música i lletra: Charles Wolcott, Ray Gilbert i Al Sack
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Dos ballarins
quan cau la nit amb dolç perfum. Dos ballarins, dos cors units a mitja llum. Construiran, en l'entreson, un somni compartit. Un sol delit fresc i abundant com una font. Dos bells perfils, el gest subtil, gràcils i esvelts, executant un ball vibrant entre els estels. Ben abraçats, per un moment és l'eternitat. Dos ballarins es van fonent capvespre endins. * |
Two silhouettes
Together in The afterglow Two silhouettes become as one when lights are low And with the night Slumbering on We'll build a dream for two A perfect dream Set to a theme Lovely as you Two hearts on fire Will soon inspire The stars to dance The flames that stray Will light the way To our romance And when I hold You in my arms To my heart's delight Two silhouettes Will drift away Into the night |
Alice i Johnny
Johnny Fedora and Alice Blue Bonnet
Música: Allie Wrubel i Charles Wolcott
Lletra: Ray Gilbert
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Lletra: Ray Gilbert
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Alice i Johnny van enamorar-se
rere el vidre d'un magatzem modern. Va ser en un instant, i d'allà en endavant van prometre's amor etern. Johnny cantava tothora: "Too-ra-lay, too-ra-lye, too-ra-loo!". Volia una capsa ben nova per poder-hi fer vida en comú. P'rò en Johhny va veure com l'Alice volava tot de cop d'aquell magatzem modern. La seva estimada l'havien comprada d'oferta d'estoc d'hivern. Jonhhy, oh, Johnny! La teva Alice marxa, saps que ella no t'oblidarà. P'rò tingues confiança, que amb fe i esperança, potser us tornareu a trobar. Johnny plorava de pena i de ràbia rere el vidre del magatzem modern. P'rò un dia, per fi, sense veure-ho venir, van salvar-lo d'aquell infern. Com un pit-roig, ell cantava: "Too-ra-lay, too-ra-lye, too-ra-loo!". I creia trobar l'estimada: "Oh! Perdó, l'he confós amb algú". Arreu va buscar-la: pel Bronx i per Harlem, des del pont de Brooklyn a Jersey i tot. P'rò un dia, perdut entre la multitud, una veu li va fer fer un bot. Jonhhy, oh, Johnny! Sents l'Alice que canta, saps que ella no t'oblidarà. Tu tingues confiança, que amb fe i esperança, potser us tornareu a trobar. És primavera i en Johnny s'espera a davant del seu antic magatzem. P'rò l'han escombrat i aixafat com un plat. Pobre Johnny, ara què farem? Tot buscant l'Alice, ell crida: "Too-ra-lay, too-ra-lye, too-ra-loo!". Sense ella, s'enfonsa la vida... Però no li contesta ningú. Doncs vet aquí, Johnny, que un pobre dimoni ja t'ha fet dos forats per cobrir un rossí. P'rò no t'atabalis, perquè aquí apareix l'Alice! I torneu a estar junts, per fi. Les Alices i els Johnnys en sou testimonis, davant la tristor, cal valor. L'hivern serà primavera, si no us feu enrere, i sempre creieu en l'amor. I l'amor per fi triomfarà! * |
Johnny Fedora met Alice Bluebonnet
In the window of a department store 'Twas love at first sight And they promised one night They'd be sweethearts forever more Johnny would serenade Alice Too-ra-lay, too-ra-lye, too-ra-loo He sang of a beautiful palace Of a beautiful hatbox for two But Johnny Fedora lost Alice Bluebonnet To a patron of the department store Her beauty was sought by The girl she was bought by For twenty-three ninety-four Johnny, oh, Johnny Your Alice Bluebonnet Will always be waiting for you So don't give up hoping And don't give up dreaming For true love will come smiling through Johnny Fedora was lonely and stranded In the window of the department store When lo and behold He was suddenly sold And his heart became gay once more Johnny sang out like a robin Too-ra-lay, too-ra-lye, too-ra-loo To strangers he'd come up a-bobbin' Oh, I thought you were someone I knew He looked for her uptown And 'cross town and downtown From the Brooklyn Bridge to the Jersey Shore It all seemed in vain Till he heard the refrain Of the song Alice sang of yore Johnny, oh, Johnny Your Alice Bluebonnet Will always be waiting for you So don't give up hoping And don't give up dreaming For true love will come smiling through Johnny kept yearning He kept on returning To the window of the department store His voice became hushed He was literally crushed And it started to rain and pour Each place he went he kept calling Too-ra-lay, too-ra-lye, too-ra-loo His spirits kept falling and falling For his Alice was nowhere in view But hey nonny nonny An ice man found Johnny And he cut him to fit on his horse's ears 'Twas done without malice For beside him was Alice And they lived on for years and years You Johnny Fedora's You Alice Bluebonnet's Whenever you find yourself blue You'll find it's June in December If you'll just remember That true love will come smiling through That true love will come smiling through |
La balena que volia cantar a l'òpera
The Whale Who Wanted to Sing at the Met
Música: Ken Darby
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Tot va començar just així:
una breu notícia sobre una veu cantant enmig del mar. I aquell increïble fet va omplir les portades. I va anar a cinc columnes! Balena estranya. Com pot cantar? No pot ser pas. És increïble! És increïble! I diuen que canta àries d'òpera en el mar! És increïble! És increïble! Van córrer rius de tinta! Doctors i científics i experts en la recerca biològica cridaven encesos hipòtesis zoològiques. Ridícula! Folkòrica! Neguem la descoberta! Magnífica! Històrica! Podem confirmar que és certa! Llavors l'influent impresario de la gran òpera va estudiar-s'ho. Pensant, pensant, ho va veure clar! Busqueu-me un vaixell de seguida, que estigui ja a punt de partida. Fotògrafs i periodistes. de totes les revistes! Publicitat! Publicitat! Publicitat! Mammy's little baby Loves shortenin', shortenin' Mammy's little baby Loves shortenin' bread Mammy's little baby Loves shortenin', shortenin' Mammy's little baby Loves shortenin' bread Two little children Lyin' in bed On of 'em sick And other most dead Call for the doctor The doctor said "Feed them children On shortenin' bread" Mammy's little baby Loves shortenin', shortenin' Mammy's little baby Loves shortenin' bread Mammy's little baby Loves shortenin', shortenin' Mammy's little baby loves Shortenin' bread Good-bye, my friends I'm off to be discovered I'm off to be discovered * |
This is how it all began
Just a little back-page item about a voice that sang at sea And then this fantastic news appeared on the front page And then in screaming headlines A singing whale? What do you know? Imagine that I don't believe it I don't believe it For who ever heard of an operatic whale? I don't believe it I don't believe it Then headline followed headline Then doctors and experts And men of anatomical biology Debated and argued And quoted ichtyology Impossible, preposterous Wa savagely deny it Mangnificent, miraculous We certainly certify it And even the great impresario Of the grand opera Raised an eyebrow And tried and tried to figure it out Oh, get-a me a great big schooner And get-a me a good harpooner Photographers and reporters From all the newspapers Publicity, publicity, publicity Mammy's little baby Loves shortenin', shortenin' Mammy's little baby Loves shortenin' bread Mammy's little baby Loves shortenin', shortenin' Mammy's little baby Loves shortenin' bread Two little children Lyin' in bed On of 'em sick And other most dead Call for the doctor The doctor said "Feed them children On shortenin' bread" Mammy's little baby Loves shortenin', shortenin' Mammy's little baby Loves shortenin' bread Mammy's little baby Loves shortenin', shortenin' Mammy's little baby loves Shortenin' bread Good-bye, my friends I'm off to be discovered I'm off to be discovered © Wonderland Music Company, Inc. (BMI) Tots els drets reservats |