Per fi!
We're Back
Música i lletra: Abigail Barlow i Emily Bear
Adaptació: Marc Gómez
Intèrprets: Anna Fernández i cor
Adaptació: Marc Gómez
Intèrprets: Anna Fernández i cor
Veig l’horitzó com brilla,
s’alça la nostra illa. És amb la llum del sol que veig cap on anar. Oh, per fi! Viatjant entre costes noves, tornem amb algunes proves. La història es torna a construir. Ara ja hem après com hem de fer el camí. Ja sé el meu camí: cal tornar per fi! Per fi! La vida floreix tranquil·la. Com els estels, s’enfila. Ara en som una pila i anem ampliant la vila. Oh, per fi! Poseu-hi més palla. Palla! No aguanto ja tanta tralla. Honrem els avantpassats. Trobem el que s’ha extraviat! Ara ja hem après com hem de fer el camí! Com cal fer el camí! Com cal fer el camí! Cal cantar així? Oh, ja ho crec que sí! Acosteu-vos, si voleu sentir el relat de la navegant més descomunal, llegenda viva i molt amiga d’un gran semidéu. La millor amiga! Plegats van salvar aquests mars i ens vam atrevir a sortir d’aquí! Com deu seguir? No hi ha res millor per mi. Vaiana, bentornada! Què ens du 'questa vegada? Vaig fer una canoa nova, p'rò sempre hi ha feina a fer a bord. El poble confia en tu! Oh, i tant! El poble confia! Rebem el que l'aigua ens dona. Tenim força per estona. Tornem a solcar les ones. Tu ens hi esperones. Uo, ei! Veig que la costa brilla. Torno a la meva illa, la llar que he enyorat i que ara em toca dirigir. Eh, per fi! Tu pots fer que continuï l’èxit a Motonui, unint el poblat i el món marí! Oh, ara ja hem après com hem de fer el camí! Cal que torni aquí! Hem tornat, per fi! Tots junts fem el camí! Junts fem el camí! Junts fem el camí! * |
Sailing from the horizon
Back to our home, our island Coming into our view Beneath the morning sky Oh, we're back From new shores we've been exploring Returning to tell our story Connеcted with both the land and sea Finally, we're back To who we're meant to be Who I'm meant to be Voyaging the sea We're back The village is lush and thriving Weaving new kites for flying Building new homes and families Our people just keep expanding Oh, we're back Let's pull the roof higher Higher I can't wait 'til I retire The ancestors would be proud What once was lost has been found Finally, we're back To who we're meant to be Who we're meant to be Who we're meant to be Do you have to sing? Yes, we have to sing Gather 'round if you wanna hear about The greatest wayfinder of all time A living legend and she's besties With a demigod Like super besties Together, they saved our land And then, like, totally set us free What's next? We'll see How much better could it be? Welcome our brave Moana I wonder what she brought us The new canoe needs inspecting There's always something to fix on board The village believes in her That's right The village believes The life is back in the water Our people have come out stronger The voyaging past we honor Thanks to our daughter Oh, hey Sailing from the horizon Can't wait to reach my island The home I've been missing And the life I'm meant to lead Eh, we're back Moana, she points us to the Future of Motunui Connected with both the land and sea Oh, finally, we're back To who we're meant to be Of the land and sea Finally, we're back To who we're meant to be Who we're meant to be Who we're meant to be |
Fins on
Música i lletra: Abigail Barlow i Emily Bear
Adaptació: Marc Gómez
Intèrprets: Anna Fernández i Lola Oria
Adaptació: Marc Gómez
Intèrprets: Anna Fernández i Lola Oria
El cel nocturn damunt les ones
em guiava a cada tram. P'rò un nou estel fa arribar un reclam. Caldrà que explori noves zones... No puc triar, si no hi ha opcions. Vira un vent que m’empeny a nous horitzons. ¿Com deixo a part la llar, les emocions i els que he estimat? Si marxo, què m’hi espera, al fons? Fons! No sé fins on, on s’acaba el mar o el vent... ¿En quin punt perdré el corrent o s’obrirà un nou món? Vull saber fins on. (Oh, fins on?) Des del lloc que estimo tant, ¿fins on marxo per poder seguir endavant? La qüestió és fins on! El destí de les persones no s’atura, és un batec. Tot el que aquí vaig construir s’acaba en sec. Hi ha una veu. Respon-la aviat. P'rò a quin preu? Fins quan ha de durar el comiat? No sé fins on, on m’empeny el nou vaivé... ¿En quin punt potser em perdré tot explorant el mar, si no sé pas fins on? Des del lloc que estimo tant, ¿fins on marxo per poder seguir endavant? La qüestió és fins on! Si no em pot prendre fort la mà, potser no ho entendrà. Saps que, allà on vas, t’hi acompanyo. P'rò potser el camí és més lluny... No sé fins on. P'rò per lluny que em porti el mar, tornaré a la meva llar. Soc el meu propi far. Soc la Vaiana, el lligam humà i marí! Vull prometre ser fidel al meu camí. Sé el meu nom. No sé com, p'rò tothom sabrà fins on! * |
I know these stars above the ocean
Now new skies call me by name And suddenly Nothing feels the same I know the path that must be chosen But this is bigger than before Winds have changed Tides turn me far away from shore What waits for me Forever far from home From everything And everyone I've ever known? Known What lies beyond Under skies I've never seen? Will I losе myself between My home and what's unknown? If I go bеyond (Bo beyond) Leaving all I love behind With the future Of our people still to find Can I go beyond? There is destiny in motion And it's only just begun Now will this life I've worked so hard For come undone? They're calling me I must reply But if I leave How could I ever say goodbye? What lies beyond On the vast, uncharted sea? Will I lose myself between All that we know right here What's out there beyond Leaving all I love behind With the future Of our people still to find? Can I go beyond? If I'm not here to hold her hand Will she grow to understand? I'll always be right beside you But perhaps you're meant for more I'll go beyond And although I don't know when I will reach these sands again 'Cause I know who I am I am Moana Of the land and of the sea And I promise That is who I'll always be I must go I will go Then we'll know What lies beyond |
Com navegar no hi ha res
What Could Be Better Than This?
Música i lletra: Abigail Barlow i Emily Bear
Adaptació: Marc Gómez
Intèrprets: Anna Fernández, David García, Marta Rodríguez i Quim Roca
Adaptació: Marc Gómez
Intèrprets: Anna Fernández, David García, Marta Rodríguez i Quim Roca
Per què et veig tan preocupat?
Viu la teva pròpia història. Potser ho veus un disbarat, p'rò és cosa obligatòria. Veus el mar? Com navegar no hi ha res! 'nar fora és el que et convé. A tu et cal un canvi d’aires. Plegats ho passem més bé i no t’avorreixes gaire. Que no ho veus? Com navegar no hi ha res! Sent la brisa pels quatre costats. El que és probable és que acabem ofegats. Amb confiança absoluta i amb la ment astuta, se’ns obre la ruta. Ja ho crec, com el mar no hi ha res! Com navegar no hi ha res! Com navegar… Com navegar no hi ha res! De cop, s'ha aixecat bon vent. Comença el divertiment! Veurem terra d’hora. P'rò mentre et tingui a la vora, com navegar no hi ha res! L’oceà ens acompanya. Sí, això és la canya! No és cap frase estranya dir "com navegar no hi ha res!". Permeteu-me ser directa. Navegar és una passada, p'rò no és del tot correcte el que dieu a la tornada. Dir “no hi ha res com això" no és opció. Sempre hi ha una alternativa, no existeix la perfecció. Per ‘xò em passo el dia arreglant, dissenyant, combinant pensaments, En resum, millorant! Soc una gran manetes. Sempre penso en noves metes. És brutal quan hi ha una problema o quan s’enfonsen les maquetes. L’error és fantàstic Fallar és humà! I potser el preu és dràstic, p'rò que se t'esguerri un pla no és en va! Si no surt com vols, tranqui, tornar-ho a intentar. Clar! Segueixo un lema simple i en puc dir el truc: del naixement a la fi, la vida es basa en caure, aprendre i morir. Com navegar no hi ha res! I és que com navegar no hi ha res! Com navegar no hi ha res! És v'ritat, com navegar no hi ha res! No hi ha cap lloc més bonic! A terra és on millor estic! Hem fet rumb a l'illa. I disfrutarem cada milla. Com navegar no hi ha res! Brisa suau. El cel blau. Sense esforç. Veus tresors. Vius en pau. Descobrim nous ports! No, com el mar no hi ha res! Com navegar no hi ha... Res! * |
Get up and get on your feet
It's time to live your own story Even if you disagree Trying is mandatory Look around What could be better than this? Come on, you just need some sun You can't stay in there forever You're gonna miss all the fun Don't you know together's better Can't you see? Nothing is better than this Feel the wind as we're riding the waves The odds are we'll end up in watery graves Yeah, wе're ebbin' and flowin' Therе's no sign of slowin' We know where we're goin' So what could be better than this? What could be better than this? Better than this What could be better than this? We're starting to hit a stride I'm in for a crazy ride We'll be there in no time Because we're in this together Nothing is better than this Yeah, we're so in the moment We're rockin' and rollin' We're friends with the ocean So nothing is better than this Let me give you a correction Even though the song is clever The answer to your question "What could possibly be better?" Technically speaking Perfection's a myth Even though the journey's epic Something better could exist But that's why I'm always designing Aligning, combining ideas And always refining I'm a real bright thinker And a genius when I tinker With a love of problem-solving As a model canoe sinker We're failing fantastically Yes, we're a mess And we're messing up drastically Falling on your face Is the best I think you do it wrong Then you run another test Yes It's really simple actually The motto of Loto Until her very last breath There's really only failing Then learning, then death What could be better than this? Literally nothing better than this What could be better than this? Really truly nothing better than this We're starting to understand Just take me back to land We'll get to that island Even if it's taking forever Nothing is better than this Feel the air In our hair Watch us soar Man the oar Going where No one's gone before What could be better than this? What could be better than– This? |
Si perds el nord
Get Lost
Música i lletra: Abigail Barlow i Emily Bear
Adaptació: Marc Gómez
Intèrpret: Diana Roig
Adaptació: Marc Gómez
Intèrpret: Diana Roig
Fa mil anys que soc aquí.
No hi entra llum, no en surt ni un bri. I em cansa aquest gran calabós marí. Tu sí que pots trencar els barrots. Segur que tu en pots sortir. Si perds el nord, de cop hi ha un port. Saps que és un pal la ruta normal. Accepta que et fa feliç trencar les normes i el risc. El llarg camí potser et confon. Qui no s’hi llença no veu món. Et trobes quan et perds. Tu escolta’m bé. Au, va, perd el nord! Mira al teu voltant. Tot va al revés i està girant. Per ser més llest, cal ser ignorant. Troba el bon camí obrint la ment per fi. Au, va, confia en mi. Perquè tens valentia, no et cal altra guia. Jo dubtava massa i ja veus el que em passa. Cap mapa et valdrà! No hi ha cap missatge! No et cal peatge! Emprèn el viatge! Veuràs que si perds el nord, de cop hi ha un port. Saps que és un pal la ruta normal. Accepta que et fa feliç trencar les normes i el risc. El llarg camí potser et confon. Qui no s’hi llença no veu món. Et trobes quan et perds. Què me’n dius? Jo no puc, p'rò tu confia. Tu sola et pots fer el rumb. Jo sí que no tinc tria. Visc atrapada en agonia i sense llum! Tu tens opcions, tu ets lliure. Fa por escollir, p'rò així és com va! No és un saltet com qualsevol. P'rò caus on vols, quan deixes el control! Si perds el nord, de cop hi ha un port. Saps que és un pal la ruta normal! Et fa feliç trencar les normes i el risc. El llarg camí potser et confon. Qui no s’hi llença no veu món. Et trobes just quan perds el nord! Oh, el nord! Perd el nord! * |
I've been stuck a thousand years
Just fading, wading through the fears This giant clam gets real old, my dear So come real close I'll let you know How you can get out of here Get lost Cut loose And lose Your way There ain't No fun In holdin' back, babe You gotta enjoy The thrill of livin' dangerously You've got a long Long way to go Keep playin' safe You'll never know The rules are ours to break Come on, babe It's time to get lost Take a look around Not right and left But up and down 'Cause on the edge It's all about Living bold and free Expand your mind to see And put your trust in me Because you've got potential To travel the distance I've been existential And lost to existence And there is no map To your destination No explanation To solve this equation We gotta get lost Cut loose And lose Our way There ain't No fun In holdin' back, babe You gotta enjoy The thrill of livin' dangerously You've got a long Long way to go Keep playin' safe You'll never know The rules are ours to break What do you say? Don't you know how good you have it? You're all that's stopping you For me, I'm stuck like static Can you imagine A life this tragic in the gloom? You've got a chance So take it I know you're scared But life's unfair It's full of choices Big and small But trust The fall And you can have it all Get lost Cut loose And lose Your way There ain't No fun In holdin' back, babe You gotta enjoy The thrill of livin' dangerously You've got a long Long way to go Keep playin' safe You'll never know The rules are ours to break Get lost Oh, get lost Get lost |
Ara digues 'chee hoo'
Can I Get a Chee Hoo?
Música i lletra: Abigail Barlow i Emily Bear
Adaptació: Marc Gómez
Intèrprets: Mark Ullod i cor
Adaptació: Marc Gómez
Intèrprets: Mark Ullod i cor
Estàs feta un flam,
tens tots els ànims desfets. Capgira-ho en un pim-pam. Au, va, recorda qui ets! No pensis que ets un fracàs. Tu ves-hi fort i a tot gas! Jo ja he vist de què ets capaç! Tu ets per dins una crac. Confia, ho tens a l’abast. Creus que perdràs, p'rò no pas. Tens la màniga amb l’as! Les aigües son crítiques, p'rò fas gestes mítiques. Ja prou de qüestions metafísiques! Prou dubtes. Ara digues ‘chee hoo’! Humana, humana, no dubtis del camí! Qui mana? Qui mana? Veuran qui mana aquí! Fas diana, Vaiana, perquè és el teu destí! Ara digues, ara digues, ara digues ‘chee hoo’! La cosa demana que puguis de nivell! Demostra, demostra que n’estàs farta d’ell! Fas diana, Vaiana, perquè és el teu destí! Ara digues... Vinga, crida... Ara digues ‘chee hoo’! Ja ho veuràs. Un déu té punts febles, no el veig pel gimnàs. Quantes tremendes llegendes que inspirarà el teu cas! T’espanta? Trontolles? És bufar i fer ampolles! Fumem-li un bon repàs, bon repàs! Tu ets llesta i modesta, millor que la resta. Quan venen noses, t'imposes. M'has fet repensar quatre coses. No és tan flipant. De qui ho has après? Em costa dir això, p'rò sí: m'ha sorprès! Soc aquí, amb tu. Un vincle ens lliga. Jo a cap humana li he dit mai amiga! 'Chee hoo'! Humana, humana, no dubtis del camí! Qui mana? Qui mana? Veuran qui mana aquí! Fas diana, Vaiana, perquè és el teu destí! Ara digues, ara digues ‘chee hoo’! Seré jo qui avui farà els sermons emotius. Aquest cop convé que t'apliquis el que em dius. Vaig treure amb tu el més bo de mi, quan jo ja em creia immillorable, el perfecte heroi diví. Tu amb cada embolic meu, lleu o greu, vas salvar el semidéu. Doncs l'embolic ara és teu, has agafat el relleu! P'rò junts sabrem com desfer la maledicció. I tot i que tot pot 'nar a pitjor, segur que surt guai, perquè tinc al davant la millor navegant que vist mai. Humana, humana, no dubtis del camí! Qui mana? Qui mana? Veuran qui mana aquí! Fas diana, Vaiana, perquè és el teu destí! Ara digues... Vinga, crida... Vull que facis ‘chee hoo’! La cosa demana que puguis de nivell! Demostra, demostra que n’estàs farta d’ell! Fas diana, Vaiana, perquè és el teu destí! Ara digues... Vinga, crida... ‘chee hoo’! Vaiana, fes diana. Ja saps el teu destí! Vinga, crida! Noia, crida! Ara digues 'chee hoo'! Fes diana, Vaiana, i troba el teu destí! Ara digues... Vinga, crida, 'chee hoo'! * |
You're down in the dumps
You think you're way off your game But you can turn it around Come on, remember your name Don't waste all this energy 'cause you got the remedy And I know your legacy You've got greatness inside And you just gotta believe You think you don't have the tricks But they're right up your sleeve These waters are threatening But you bring the reckoning So drop all the fear And thе questioning I need a Can I get a Chee-hoo? Who are ya? Who arе ya? Who are ya gonna be? You're gonna You're gonna A-make some history Come on-a Moana Go get your destiny Can I get a Can I get a Can I get a Chee-hoo? You gotta You wanna You need to level up Go show 'em Go show 'em Tell 'em enough's enough Come on-a Moana Go get your destiny Can I get a Let me hear a Can I get a Chee-hoo? Here's the deal That bullying storm God skips leg day for real Can you imagine the legend This epic voyage reveals? You think that it's doomsday? To me, it's just Tuesday You know I don't come to play Come to play And you're clever I never give you enough credit And under pressure, you measure up You even taught me a lesson I'm not surprised You learned from the best Takes a whole lot But count me impressed Can't give up now You got me invested Not many humans that I call a bestie Chee-hoo Who are ya? Who are ya? Who are ya gonna be? You're gonna You're gonna A-make some history Come on-a Moana Go get your destiny Can I get a Can I get a Chee-hoo? It's my turn To give a motivational speech It's your job To finally practice what you preach Because of you I'm a better me And I didn't even think That was a possibility You got me out of mess after mess Demigod in distress But now the roles are reversed You're bein' put to the test It's fine 'cause we got a plan For breakin' the curse And even though odds Couldn't be worse I'm making a bet On the bravest and greatest Of wayfinders l've ever met Who are ya? Who are ya? Who are ya gonna be? You're gonna You're gonna A-make some history Come on-a Moana Go get your destiny Can I get a 'Cause I need a Let me hear a Chee-hoo You gotta You wanna It's time to level up Go show 'em Go show 'em Tell 'em enough's enough Come on-a Moana Go get your destiny Could I get a Let me hear a Chee-hoo Moana Come on-a Unlock your destiny Let me hear ya Make 'em fear ya Can I get a Chee-hoo? Come on-a Moana Go find your destiny Can I get a Let ma hear a Chee-hoo |
Fins on (repetició)
Beyond (Reprise)
Música i lletra: Abigail Barlow i Emily Bear
Adaptació: Marc Gómez
Intèrprets: Anna Fernández i cor
Adaptació: Marc Gómez
Intèrprets: Anna Fernández i cor
Sabeu fins on,
fins on hem d’anar plegats. Travessant corrents i embats, explorarem el món. Tinc enfront fins on, on tornem a començar, on el cel i el mar es troben més enllà! Continuant avançant endavant, sap tothom fins on! * |
We'll go beyond
And we'll reach it side by side We are rising with the tide No shore left unexplored Racing toward beyond Where we all begin again Where our sky and Our horizon never end We can rise We will rise We will rise We will go beyond |
Sabem tornar (Te Fenua te Maile)
We Know the Way
Música: Opetaia Foa'i i Lin-Manuel Miranda
Lletra: Opetaia Foa'i
Adaptació: Lluís Comes i Arderiu
Intèrprets: Anna Fernández, Olivia Foa'i, Opetaia Foa'i i Mark Mancina
Lletra: Opetaia Foa'i
Adaptació: Lluís Comes i Arderiu
Intèrprets: Anna Fernández, Olivia Foa'i, Opetaia Foa'i i Mark Mancina
Aue, aue!
Busquem un nou destí, una altra illa per poder afegir! Aue, aue! Portem la nostra sempre al cor. A l'hora que hem de tornar, sabem tornar! Aue, aue! Exploradors som, que llegim el mar. Contem històries dels nostres a- vantpassats contínuament. Aue, aue! Portem la nostra sempre al cor. A l'hora que hem de tornar, sabem tornar! Aue, aue! Nuku i mua! Te manulele e tataki e! Aue, aue! Te fenua, te malie! Na heko hakilia! Sabem tornar! * |
Aue, aue
We set a course to find A brand new island everywere we roam Aue, aue We keep our island in our mind And when it's time to find home We know the way Aue, aue We are explorers reading every sign We tell the stories of our elders In a never-ending chain Aue, aue We keep our island in our mind And when it's time to find home We know the way Aue, aue Nuku i mua Te manulele e tataki e Aue, aue Te fenua, te malie Na heko hakilia We know the way |
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