Música: Leigh Harline
Lletra: Larry Morey
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Lletra: Larry Morey
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
La sàvia gallina va dir:
"L'hivern ja està en camí, i per sembrar potser em caldrà l'ajut d'algun veí". Al cistell va dur panís. I abans que el sol sortís, va anar a buscar algun cop de mà per cultivar el panís. I qui l'ajudarà? I qui l'ajudarà? En Pete el porc, que és gros i fort, potser l'ajudarà. Vols plantar panís amb mi? Vols plantar panís amb mi? Doncs qui l'ajudarà? Doncs qui l'ajudarà? Si en Donald no té ocupació, potser l'ajudarà. Vols plantar panís amb mi? Vols plantar panís amb mi? Doncs qui l'ajudarà? Doncs qui l'ajudarà? No ho vol ningú perquè és molt dur. I sola va sembrar. Qui collirà el panís? Qui collirà el panís? Potser els del club 'niran en grup a recollir el panís. Collireu panís amb mi? Collireu panís amb mi? Doncs qui l'ajudarà? Doncs qui l'ajudarà? No ho vol ningú perquè és molt dur. I sola va marxar. Nyam, nyam, nyam! Que bo, que bo, que bo! Mmm, tinc molta gana! Nyam, nyam, nyam! Que bo, que bo, que bo! Qui es menjarà el panís? Qui es menjarà el panís? Potser els del club 'niran en grup a compartir el panís. Que voldreu menjar panís? Que voldreu menjar panís? Per ella és el panís! Per ella és el panís! La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la! La, la, la, la, la, la! Per ella és el panís! Per ella és el panís! Els dos amics per fi han entès que, quan et mous per interès, potser al final no et queda res. Per ella és el panís! Per ella és el panís! Per ella és el panís! * |
There once was a wise little hen
Who worried now and then For fear that she'd be found in need When winter came again With a basket full of corn She started out one morn She hoped to get the friends she met To help her plant her corn Who'll help her plant her corn? Who'll help her plant her corn? Gay Peter Pig, who's strong and big Might help her plant her corn Will you help me plant my corn? Will you help me plant my corn? Who'll help her plant her corn? Who'll help her plant her corn? If Donald Duck has any pluck He'll help her plant her corn Will you help me plant my corn? Will you help me plant my corn? Who'll help her plant her corn? Who'll help her plant her corn? She might have known that she alone Would have to plant her corn Who'll help her harvest corn? Who'll help her harvest corn? Perhaps her friends will condescend To help her harvest corn Will you help me harvest corn? Will you help me harvest corn? Who'll help her harvest corn? Who'll help her harvest corn? She might have known that she alone Would have to harvest corn Yum, yum, yum Oh, me, oh, me, oh, my Mmm, do I feel hungry Yum, yum, yum Oh, me, oh, me, oh, my Who'll help her eat her corn? Who'll help her eat her corn? Perhaps her friends will condescend To help her eat her corn Will you help me eat my corn? Will you help me eat my corn? She'll eat the corn herself She'll eat the corn herself La la la la la la la la La la la la la la She'll eat the corn herself She'll eat the corn herself Although her friends now see the light They've nothing but an appetite While they repent with all their might She'll eat the corn herself She'll eat the corn herself She'll eat the corn herself © Wonderland Music Company, Inc. (BMI) Tots els drets reservats |