Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh
Música i lletra: Richard M. Sherman i Robert B. Sherman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Bosc dels Cent Acres ben endins,
en Christopher Robin viu. Hi juga encantat amb uns veïns que descobrireu si veniu... Entre ells hi ha l'Ihà, que és un ruquet, Cangà i el petit Guret, Conill i Garrí i el vell Mussol, p'rò sobretot Winnie the Pooh. Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh. L'os filós, xamós, tot farcit de flocs. És Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh. Simple, ximple, càndid osset. Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh. L'os filós, xamós, tot farcit de flocs. És Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh. Simple, ximple, càndid osset. * |
Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood
Where Christopher Robin plays You'll find the enchanted neighborhood Of Christopher's childhood days A donkey named Eeyore is his friend And Kanga and little Roo There's Rabbit and Piglet And there's Owl But most of all, Winnie the Pooh Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh Tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff He's Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh Willy nilly silly old bear Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh Tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff He's Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh Willy nilly silly old bear |
Un, dos, toco els peus
Up, Down, Touch the Ground
Música i lletra: Richard M. Sherman i Robert B. Sherman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Un i dos. Veus,
toco els peus. Així em faré robust. Ja ho veus, toco els peus. B'renaré... de gust. Soc rodó? No, soc rodanxó. Vull estar fornit. P'rò xerrant pels descosits, s'obre l'apetit. Tinc un bon pes i no em fa res. M'agrada manducar. Amb l'un, dos, un i dos, prendré un bon berenar. Quan faig un, dos, tan airós, ja penso en el menú. Mmm! Com mel i llet i xocolata! Quan alegre em crida l'apetit, soc el més alegre Pooh. Quan alegre el crida l'apetit, és el més alegre Pooh. * |
When I up, down
Touch the ground It puts me in the mood Up, down Touch the ground In the mood for food I am stout, round And I have found Speaking poundage-wise I improve my appetite When I exercise I am short, fat And proud of that And so with all my might I up, down, Up-down to My appetite's delight While I up, down Touch the ground I think of things to chew Mmm, like honey, milk and chocolate With a healthy happy appetite I'm a hefty-happy Pooh With a healthy happy appetite He's a hefty-happy Pooh |
Mentre em ronca el ventre
Rumbly in My Tumbly
Música i lletra: Richard M. Sherman i Robert B. Sherman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Hum dum dee dum,
hum dum dee dum, pujo mentre em ronca el ventre. És la gana qui m'ho mana, hum dee dum dum dum. No em caldria grimpar tant si pogués pujar volant. P'rò no cal que m'hi amoïni, perquè volar no fa pel Winnie! Soc golafre, la mel em crida. Ja hi arribo, de seguida. Pujo mentre em ronca el ventre... * |
Hum dum dee dum
Hum dum dee dum I'm so rumbly in my tumbly Time to munch an early luncheon Hum dee dum dum dum Oh I wouldn't climb this tree If a Pooh flew like a bee But I wouldn't be a bear then And so I guess I wouldn't care then There's some honey And I'm a Pooh bear So I do care So I'll climb there I'm so rumbly in my tumbly |
Un petit núvol negre
Little Black Rain Cloud
Música i lletra: Richard M. Sherman i Robert B. Sherman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Soc un petit núvol negre,
una joguina dels quatre vents. Tan sols un petit núvol negre i les abelles no em temen gens. Oh, tots saben que un núvol negre no menja mel. No, ni un regalim. No faig més que flotar branques enllà. Busco on deixar algun ruixim! * |
I'm just a little black rain cloud
Hovering under the honey tree I'm only a little black rain cloud Pay no attention to little me Oh, everyone knows that a rain cloud Never eats honey, no, not a nip I'm just floating around Over the ground Wondering where I will drip |
La ment té el domini
Mind Over Matter
Música i lletra: Richard M. Sherman i Robert B. Sherman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Molt bé per tu!
Molt bé per mi! Molt bé! Molt bé! En Pooh podrà sortir! Dum, da-dum, pa-rum, pa-rum, pa-rum! Comprovem si fent dieta s'ha aprimat el nostre Pooh i si el podrà desencallar un cop de mà oportú. Estirem ben fort, ben fort. Entre tots ens donem suport. Que surti com un clau i deixi lliure el cau! Concentra't i pensa que el cos no t'ha de vèncer. La ment té el domini i fa menys gras en Winnie. Més fort! Més fort! Més, més, més, més, mééés! Soc golafre, la mel em crida... Temps per fer un mos dolç. * |
Hurray for you
Hurray for me Hurray, hurray The Pooh will soon be free Dum da-dum pa-rum pa-rum pa-rum Now the time has come for proving What the diet did for Pooh And since we pledged he'd be unwedged That's what we're going to do He'll be pulled and he'll be tugged And eventually unplugged We'll have a tug-of-war To open Rabbit's door Think heave-age Think ho-age And out the Pooh will go-age For mind over matter Has made the Pooh un-fatter Heave Ho Heave Ho Heave, heave, heave, heave, heee Bears love honey And I'm a Pooh bear Time for something sweet |
Un bon temporal
A Rather Blustery Day
Música i lletra: Richard M. Sherman i Robert B. Sherman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Hum, dum, dum-ditty-dum!
Dum, dum, dee! Oh, el vent em venta bellament. I les branques bramen bravament. I les fulles fugen fugaçment. Tot indica que al final... Es pot dir sense gaire atreviment... Crec que inevitablement... Veig que tindrem un bon temporal. Tal qual. I dic sense gaire atreviment... Crec que inevitablement... Veig que tindrem un bon temporal. * |
Hum dum dum ditty dum
Dum dum dee Oh, the wind is lashing lustily And the trees are thrashing thrustily And the leaves are rustling gustily So it's rather safe to say That it seems that it may turn out to be Feels that it will undoubtedly Looks like a rather blustery day Today It seems that it may turn out to be Feels that it will undoubtedly Looks like a rather blustery day |
No n'hi ha dos com jo
The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers
Que fort i genial és ser Tigger!
Els Tiggers són forts i genials! Per dalt són tous i flexibles, per baix són elàstics totals! Doncs salten, boten i reboten divertint-se molt! P'rò el més genial de ser un Tigger és que no n'hi ha dos com jo! Que fort i genial és ser Tigger! Els Tiggers són forts i genials! Estan carregats d'energia i sempre volen jugar! Doncs salten, boten i reboten divertint-se molt! P'rò el més genial de ser un Tigger és que no n'hi ha dos com jo! Són molt sensibles i tendres, tenen un gust exquisit! Són envejats des de sempre i per 'xò no em canso de dir... * |
The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things Their tops are made out of rubber Their bottoms are made out of springs They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is I'm the only one The wonderful thing about Tiggers Is Tiggers are wonderful chaps They're loaded with vim and with vigor They love to leap in your laps They're jumpy, bumpy, clumpy, thumpy Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is I'm the only one Tiggers are cuddly fellas Tiggers are awfully sweet Ev'ryone el-us is jealous And that's why I repeat– |
Efelants i mústels
Heffalumps and Woozles
Música i lletra: Richard M. Sherman i Robert B. Sherman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Són verds! Són grocs!
Són molts! Són pocs! N'hi ha dos! N'hi ha deu! N'hi ha a tot arreu! Llunyans! Propers! Hi són! Ja no! Dolents! Pudents! Són un corcó! Atent! Atent! Atén atentament! Els efelants i els mústels, si els trobes, tu tusta'ls. Ni els uns ni els altres no són bona gent. Gens! Gens! Gens! Efelants per parelles d'enormes orelles, eternament es poden duplicar. Ca! Ca! Ca! Són extra-ordinaris. Són grans com armaris, p'rò poden fer-se baixos, prims, petits. Tits! Tits! Tits! I si una gerra agafes, veuràs quins golafres: quan menys t'ho esperes, ja l'han engolit! Són verds! Són blaus! Són rosa i blancs! Rodons! Quadrats! I són molt malcarats! Estan lligats amb llaços immunds! N'hi ha alguns ratllats! O plens de punts! Atent! Atent! Atén atentament! * |
They're black, they're brown
They're up, they're down They're in, they're out They're all about They're far, they're near They're gone, they're here They're quick and slick They're insincere Beware, beware Be a very wary bear A Heffalump or Woozle Is very confusel A Heffalump or Woosel's very sly Sly, sly, sly They come in ones and twoosels But if they so choosels Before your eyes you'll see them multiply Ply, ply, ply They're extra-ordinary So better be wary Because they come in every shape and size Size, size, size If honey's what you covet You'll find that they love it Because they'll guzzle up the thing you prize They're green, they're blue They're pink, they're white They're round, they're square They're a terrible sight They tie themselves in horrible knots They come in stripes or polka-dots Beware, beware Be a very wary bear |
Quan plou, plou, plou tan fort, fort, fort
The Rain, Rain, Rain Came Down, Down, Down
Música i lletra: Richard M. Sherman i Robert B. Sherman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Quan plou, plou, plou
tan fort, fort, fort, el riu es desubica. Va sortir del llit i, decidit, a cal Garrí que es fica. El pobre tremolava, però de bo de bo. I a la desesperada, va escriure tot això... A dintre d'una ampolla, el missatge va marxar... I de cop, cop, cop, el riu, riu, riu, va entrar per la finestra. I el porquet movia l'esquelet igual que un home orquestra. I quan plou, plou, plou tan fort, fort, fort, el cabal cobreix la plana. I molt segur, va dir el bon Pooh: "No puc quedar-me amb gana". Deu gerres es guardava per no quedar dejú. P'rò mentre ell la mel xuclava, va el riu i xucla en Pooh. I entre girs i regirades, la riuada se l'endú! Quan plou, plou, plou tan fort, fort, fort, Sí, quan plou, plou, plou tan fort, fort, fort... * |
The rain, rain, rain
Came down, down, down In rushing rising riv'lets 'Til the river crept out of its bed And crept right into Piglet's Poor Piglet he was frightened With quite a rightful fright And so in desperation A message he did write He placed it in a bottle And it floated out of sight And the rain, rain, rain Came down, down, down So Piglet started bailing He was unaware, atop his chair While bailing he was sailing And the rain, rain, rain Came down, down, down And the flood rose up, up, upper Pooh, too, was caught and so he thought I must rescue my supper Ten honey pots he rescued Enough to see him through But as he sopped up his supper The river sopped up Pooh And the water twirled and tossed him In a honey pot canoe The rain, rain, rain Came down, down, down When the rain, rain, rain Came down, down, down |
Hip, hip, amic!
Música i lletra: Richard M. Sherman i Robert B. Sherman
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Adaptació: Víctor Vives i Foix
Fem pas al general,
l'heroi del temporal. Un os enginyós és en Winnie! I sí, en Garrí també ha fet un gran paper cedint la seva casa com a abric! Per 'xò dic: "Hip, hip, amics! Pel Garrí, també per Pooh!". Pooh i Garrí, aplaudim-los! Valor han demostrat i generositat! Hip, hip cridem! Hip, hip cridem! Hip, hip, cridem per Winnie the Pooh! * |
We never will forget
Our hero of the wet Our quick thinking unsinking Pooh bear And Piglet who indeed Helped out a friend in need A' truly they're the heroes of the day So we say Hip, hip, hooray For the Piglet and the Pooh Piglet and Pooh We salute you For deeds of bravery And generosity Hip, hip, hooray Hip, hip, hooray hip, hip, hooray for Winnie the Pooh © Wonderland Music Company, Inc. (BMI) Tots els drets reservats |